Every industry has its three letter acronyms. The energy sector has a 4 letter acronym which everyone will eventually come across – HVAC. It stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Ventilation is a simpler process than air conditioning. It just involves getting fresh air from outside at outside air temperature and circulating it through different parts of the building. Typically, the foyer or lobby where you walk in and the lift bays at each level. There is only the most basic of filters on a ventilation system to stop leaves being pumped inside the building. Air conditioning involves changing the temperature of the air and passes the air through more filtering than a typical ventilation system. Central heating is less common in Australia than in northern europe or the U.S. However, you will find some buildings with central heating systems. New six star energy rated buildings don’t always use Ventilation and Air Conditioning. There is a new system of hot and cold water pipes through some of these buildings. By pumping hot or cold water through these pipes, you can regulate the temperature of the building. Some of these buildings even “pump white noise” back into the building to make it sound like the building has air conditioning, just because that is what people are used to. Brent Clark CEO, Wattblock Comments are closed.
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